You are welcome to repay your loan earlier than the scheduled loan term without an early repayment penalty.
To increase your repayments, you'll need to get in touch with one of the team:
New Zealand
Manual payments can be made into Harmoney's bank account via direct credit:
Bank: ASB Bank Account number: 12-3109-0159350-03 Payee Name: Harmoney Collections Trust Reference: (your LAI number) |
0800 HARMONEY (427 666)
9am - 6pm, 7 days a week.
[email protected]
Loan Accepted Before 31st July 2021 | Loan Accepted After 31st July 2021 |
Biller code: 112177 BPay reference: (your LAI number) | Biller code: 311423 BPay reference: (your LAI number) |
1300 042 766
9am - 6pm, Monday - Saturday.
[email protected]